Welcome to Ahazaza Farm
It is located about two-minute drive from the school (10-15 minute walk), just a little outside Muhanga town. It is maintained on a four-acre piece of land and completely depends on manual labour.
Most of the farm workers are also women. The farm produces quite a small but useful variety of root and leafy vegetables, some fruits, milk and matooke (green bananas). Most of the milk and raw food is brought to the school restaurant where some of the teachers and pupils eat and pay at affordable rates.

On the school farm is located various accommodation facilities which provide living chambers for a number of teachers, volunteers and farm workers (there are currently two Belgium volunteers working on the farm).
Farm houses are fitted with basic furniture and toilets which are still in good condition. When there is a water shortage (and this is very rare), there are water tanks which harvest and provide rain water in the time of need. Although rain water is currently under-harvested, it would greatly improve the farm’s water security if more tanks were installed.
There is a high capacity solar panel to back up the main electricity supply (and provides lighting in case of a power-cut). With this, one can also count on warm water in the evening and morning if needed.

Outdoor classes
Recently, teachers have started working closely with farm volunteers to organize and link classes to farm activities resulting into a broader knowledge of agricultural and environment awareness at an early stage. By observing and learning-on-the-farm, pupils are provided with excellent learning opportunities which ensure good learning progress on farm-related topics in class. For example, pupils can learn about:
Sorting and organizing bio-degradable material into fertilizers.
The importance of trees.
Why some farms have terraces.
How and why we care for animals and plants.
Ahazaza School Farm provides all kids access to nutritious, high quality local food, so they are ready to learn and grow. School Farm activities enhance classroom education through hands-on learning related to food, health, agriculture and nutrition.
Most of the farm property and land is fenced and there are two security guards who work on a shift basis. On one of the gates, a surveillance camera is connected to a security bell so that the bell rings each time someone comes very near to it. This said, the farm has not had a serious security threat in years.
Current volunteers are on a mission to
- Increase the farm’s cost-effectiveness and production and ensure that farm produce is not only in plenty and with good quality, but also that production is steady and meets most of the school’s restaurant needs (most of the farm produce is consumed in the school restaurant. Little is sold outside the school).
- Ensure that the farm can pay for its own expenses.